Monday, June 20, 2011

Hello All

Hello, we are Midnight Movie Review; a tag team who dedicated (not really) their time to reviewing random movies they happen to come across! My partner is GrimMBbliss, but she goes by MB. I, my dear readers, am Tuesday.

As movie reviewers, we will go in depth into the movie, comment on the angles of the shots, the actors/actresses that play the characters, and many other things. We will criticize the movies, but not in a way that puts it down. If we did that, we would be major jerks, and we haven't set out to do that.

In general, our posts shouldn't be too long. They should be a solid 5 paragraphs; intro, body, and conclusion, like a mainstream paper. You know how it goes. We will also sign our posts with our names (MB or Tuesday) it all depends on who watched the movie and who got up the energy to write the post.

I will leave you for now, and if my partner decides to add anything to this post, she'll more than likely point it out. Or not. I dunno. Goodbye, dear readers.

*** EDIT ***

We will also change our profile picture to the movie we reviewed that week. Our reviews won't be on a constant basis, seeing as we will watch different ones at different times. It all depends on our personal lives. Keep a look out for our posts!

~ Tuesday

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